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Articles in Verdict1

$90,000 Settlement in Utah Jail Suicide

On May 28, 1999, Salt Lake county, Utah, paid $90,000 to the family of a detainee who committed suicide in the county jail.

Henry Delgado was arrested on Jul 16, 1997, on charges of assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest and carrying a concealed weapon. While held in the Salt ...

Utah Jail Settles ADA Suit

On May 6, 1999, Salt Lake County, Utah, settled a lawsuit by paying $2,000 in damages, $4,000 in attorney fees and agreeing to modify its jail for the handicapped. Robert Earls, a former jail detainee, is missing a leg and must use a prosthesis. The prosthetic leg must be removed ...

Texas Settles with Hanged Prisoner's Family

The state of Texas agreed in June 1999 to pay $215,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by the family of Rodney Hulin, a 17-year-old Texas state prisoner who was found hanging in his cell in 1996.

About 30 days after arriving at the Clements unit in Brazoria, Texas, Hulin told ...

Ex-Prisoner Gets $850,000 for Broken Neck

When Steven Dodson entered a California prison in October 1996, he didn't know that his neck was broken. He only knew that his neck pain kept getting worse. He also didn't know that the next 10 months of his life would be a nightmare of what amounts to torture by ...

Missouri Proposes $2.2 Million Settlement

On June 25, 1999, the state of Missouri filed a proposed $2.2 million settlement in U.S. District Court that would dispose of 32 lawsuits filed in state and federal courts by 700 - 2,100 Missouri prisoners abused in Texas jails. The lawsuits stem partly from abuses that occurred during a ...

Kentucky Jail Settles Strip Search Suit for $11.5 Million

On December 23, 1998, the Jefferson county jail in Louisville, Kentucky, settled a class action suit by agreeing to pay $11.5 million to thousands of people who were strip searched after being arrested for minor offenses. The lawsuit and settlement covers everyone arrested and strip searched at tire jail between ...

CCA Settles Youngstown Suit for $2.48 Million

by Alex Friedmann

On March 1, 1999 the Corrections Corp. of America agreed to pay $1.65 million plus $803,000 in attorney fees and expenses to settle a class-action lawsuit filed by Washington, D.C. prisoners at the company's Northeast Ohio Corr. Center in Youngstown.

The suit, brought by Eugene Busey, James ...

CMS Settles Wrongful Death Suit for $75,000

In 1998 Correctional Medical services (CMS) and the estate of Mark Murphy settled a wrongful death suit for $75,000. CMS is the largest provider of privatized medical care to prisoners and jail detainees.

Mark Murphy was imprisoned at the Delaware Correctional Center (DCC) in Smyrna, Delaware. In June, 1992, Murphy ...

Jury Awards $2.3 Million for Slain San Quentin Prisoner, State Settles for $2.5 Milliion

by W. Wisely

On Monday, November 30, 1999, a federal jury awarded more than $2.3 million in damages to the family of a prisoner shot to death by a San Quentin guard. The ten jurors found Mark Adams, killed March 1994 while fighting with another prisoner on the exercise yard ...

Utah Jail Censorship Suit Settled for $68,682

On October 28, 1998, a class action suit challenging various censorship rules at the Davis County Jail in Utah was settled for $11,682 in damages and $57,000 In attorney's fees. In 1995 the Davis County Jail enacted policies banning books, newspaper clippings and sexually explicit materials. The latter were defined ...