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Articles in Verdict1

Corcoran Shooting Death Suit Settled for $825,000

On November 10, 1998, the California Department of Corrections (CDC) settled a lawsuit involving the 1994 shooting death of prisoner Preston Tate for $825,000. Tate, a black gang member, was in the Corcoran prisons Security Housing Unit (SHU) when guards placed him in an exercise yard with rival Latino gang ...

Florida Nicotine Addiction Suit Settled

The cover story in the January, 1998, issue of PLN , "Smoking, Lies and Hypocrisy," by Paul Wright, mentioned the case of Thomas Waugh. Waugh, a Florida prisoner, had sued Florida prison officials for failing to provide him with any type of treatment to help him stop smoking. Waugh contended ...

AHCC Bulk Mail Ban in Miniken Settled

In the February, 1998, issue of PLN we reported Miniken v. Walter, 978 F. Supp. 1356 (ED WA 1997). In that ruling the court held that the Airway Heights Corrections Center's (AHCC) in Washington, ban on third class mail was unconstitutional as applied to Prison Legal News . The court ...

Settlement in Washington State Deaf Prisoners' Lawsuit

Aclass action lawsuit was settled on behalf of deaf and hearing-impaired prisoners in Washington State on September 3, 1998. The settlement agreement obligates the Washington State Department of Corrections to provide qualified sign language interpreters and assistive devices, such as hearing aids and TTY phones, when needed by disabled prisoners ...

Rikers Island Brutality Suit Settled

By Jonathan Chasan

New York City officials have acknowledged the need for far-reaching court-ordered reforms to curb systemic brutality and its cover up in the Rikers Island Central Punitive Segregation Unit ("CPSU" or "the bing"), known in the City jails as "the house of pain." The City agreed to a ...

Georgia Brutality Suit Settled for $283,500

In a brief hearing on April 23, 1998, U.S. district judge Harold Murphy finalized an agreement that allowed 14 prisoner plaintiffs and their attorneys to receive $283,500. After approving the settlement judge Murphy was quoted as saying, "The settlement is fair, responsible and in the public interest."

The settlement ends ...

Maryland Indigent Court Cost Suit Settled

On July 1, 1997, U.S. district court judge Marvin Garbis approved the settlement of a class action suit involving the collection of previously waived indigent court costs. In 1991 the Maryland legislature enacted a Budget Reconciliation Act, 1991 Md. Laws, Ch. 3, ยง 6, which stated:

"Notwithstanding any other provision ...

Utah Porn Ban Rescinded; Suit Settled

In 1997 Utah prison officials wrote a policy which prohibited prisoners in that state from ordering, receiving or possessing any written or printed materials that contained "sexually explicit materials." The policy also prohibited prisoners from receiving or possessing any written or printed materials that contained depictions of nudity or partial ...

Strip Searched Massachusetts Women Settle Suit for $80,000

On December 12, 1997, the Massachusetts DOC settled a lawsuit filed by women prisoners for a total of $80,000 plus attorney fees. The class action suit was filed in Suffolk county superior court on behalf of 112 female prisoners by Massachusetts Correctional Legal Services. In the middle of the night ...

WI Guard Settles Discrimination Suit for $105,000

Ablack prison guard who filed a discrimination suit against the Wisconsin Department of Corrections agreed to a $105,000 settlement in December, 1997, shortly after a U.S. district court judge ruled the case would go to trial. An unusual term of the settlement allowed Sgt. William Rogers to face DOC officials ...