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Articles in Verdict1

Dallas County Jail Settles Three Medical-Related Suits for $795,000

In April 2009, a federal jury in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas awarded $355,000 to Robert Duvall for injuries he suffered when he was denied medical treatment at the Dallas County Jail. Less than three months later, Dallas County settled two similar lawsuits for a ...

Pennsylvania County Jail Settles Medical Indifference Suit for $55,000

Butler County, Pennsylvania has agreed to settle a medical deliberate indifference lawsuit for $55,000. In April 2006, James Raub was arrested and taken to the Butler County Prison. During the booking process, he told guards and a nurse that he was in pain and wanted to be sent to a ...

Canyon County Jail in Idaho Settles Conditions Suit With Consent Decree and $190,000 in Attorney’s Fees

On November 12, 2009, Canyon County, Idaho agreed to settle a federal class-action suit against the Canyon County Jail (CCJ) that raised a myriad of claims related to unconstitutional conditions.

Filed in March 2009 by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of prisoners at the jail, the lawsuit ...

Virginia Sheriff’s Office, PHS Settle Wrongful Death Suit for $1.6 Million

Prison Health Services (PHS), a private for-profit company that provides medical care to prisoners, has agreed to pay $1.5 million to the family of a man who died at a Virginia jail, with the sheriff’s office paying another $100,000.

Joseph Combs, 57, a Vietnam veteran who suffered from bipolar disorder, ...

CCA Pays $70,000 in Damages, Attorney Fees to Settle PLN Censorship Suit

On June 7, 2010, Prison Legal News announced that it had settled a federal censorship suit against Corrections Corp. of America (CCA), the nation’s largest private prison company.
PLN filed the lawsuit in September 2009, claiming that CCA’s Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, Arizona only allowed prisoners to order books ...

New York Prisoner Beaten, Guards Convicted, GEO Settles Suit for $80,000

by Matt Clarke

On July 7, 2009, three private prison guards were convicted of charges involving the unjustified beating of a New York prisoner in 2007. [See: PLN, Sept. 2009, p.50; July 2009, p.50]. A fourth guard was convicted of related charges in January 2010.

Rex Egurido, 28, a Nigerian ...

Wisconsin County Pays $750,000 to Settle Jail Sex Abuse Suit

A woman who was sexually assaulted at a jail in Monroe County, Wisconsin has received $750,000 as part of a settlement in a federal civil rights case.

While awaiting trial on charges of felony battery of a police officer, Sherry Calhoun was repeatedly forced to perform oral sex on Lt. ...

$315,000 Settlement in Illegal Arizona Police Strip Search

The City of Scottsdale, Arizona paid $315,000 to settle a lawsuit claiming that a police officer illegally strip searched a citizen after responding to a 911 call.

When Heather Tonarelli, 19, and her friend Chris Smith heard loud knocks on Tonarelli’s apartment door at around 3:00 p.m. on June 15, ...

$2,750 Settlement in California Prisoner’s Denial of Exercise Claim

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) paid $2,750 to settle a prisoner’s Eighth Amendment claim for denial of exercise. The May 7, 2008 settlement came in a lawsuit filed by prisoner Terrell Curry.

In his third amended complaint, Curry alleged that seven guards at Salinas Valley State Prison ...

Georgia Jail Settles PLN Censorship Suit, Pays $149,759.21 in Damages, Attorney Fees

On April 22, 2010, Prison Legal News announced that it had settled a First Amendment censorship suit against Fulton County, Georgia and former Fulton County Sheriff Myron Freeman.

The lawsuit, filed by PLN in October 2007, claimed that prisoners at the Fulton County Jail were not allowed to receive subscriptions ...