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Articles in Verdict1

$40,000 Settlement After BOP Employee Causes Automobile Accident

West Virginia resident Lillian Poindexter brought a federal tort action in 1997 against the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and federal agent Mari Higgins after being struck by Higgins' vehicle. The $139,000 suit settled for $40,000.

Poindexter was involved in an automobile accident in ...

$50,000 Settlement In Memphis Policeman's Training Injury

Memphis (Tennessee) policeman Michael Cockerell and his wife Linda brought a federal tort action against the United States in 1999 after he fell during an obstacle course training exercise at a federal facility. The $1,500,000 suit settled for $50,000.

Cockerell was training at the Federal Correctional Center in Shelby County ...

$125,000 Settlement In BOP Guard Induced Prisoner's Death

Parents of deceased ex Kentucky federal prisoner, Marcus Dascenzo, brought a federal tort action against the United States in 2002 after a guard's failure to treat their son resulted in his death. After the Department of Justice's initial refusal to pay after a settlement agreement was reached, the suit ultimately ...

$250,000 Settlement After LA Sheriff's Bullet Hits Innocent Bystander

The County of Los Angeles (L.A.) proposed a settlement of $250,000 after an innocent bystander was wounded by a ricocheting bullet. An investigation cleared sheriff's deputies of any wrongdoing but litigation was feared to result in a greater loss.

L.A. sheriffs responded to a situation in which an inebriated man ...

Federal Officials' Refusal To Treat Prisoner's Severed Tendon Settles For $22,500

Virginia federal prisoner Chris Walker brought a federal tort action against the United States in 1998 after various officials refused to treat his severed Achilles tendon. Jail and prison officials, as well as Bureau of Prisons personnel ignored the injury for over two months. The $17.6 million suit settled for ...

Federal Prisoner's Suit Settles For $1,500 after Falling From Bunk

Virginia federal prisoner Glen Francis brought a federal tort action in 1995 for $200,000 after being injured at FCI Petersburg while climbing down from his bunk. The suit settled for $1,500.

Francis was on his top bunk when FCI Petersburg guards announced that it was time for head count. Given ...

More Damages, Costs & Attorney Fees Awarded in NH False Disciplinary Case

More Damages, Costs & Attorney Fees Awarded in NH False Disciplinary Case

Three prisoners involved in two federal civil rights lawsuits against officials of the Hillsborough County House of Corrections in New Hampshire (the jail) were awarded nominal, compensatory and punitive damages plus attorney fees and costs.

On July 14, ...

Virginia Guard Injured in Prison Transport Van Accident Settles for $200,000

A Virginia State jury awarded $250,000 to a guard who was injured while driving a prisoner transport van. While transporting several prisoners, the van driven by guard Ralph P. Tolbert was hit by a car that drove out from a side road.

Tolbert suffered two cervical disc herniations, which did ...

PLN Attorneys Awarded $137,672 for Post-Settlement Work in CDCR Censorship Case

PLN Attorneys Awarded $137,672 for Post-Settlement Work in CDCR Censorship Case

by John E. Dannenberg

On April 10, 2008, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California awarded $137,672 in supplemental legal fees and costs incurred in enforcing a settlement agreement between PLN and the California Department of ...

Failure to Name Defendant in Administrative Appeal Does Not Foreclose Including Him in § 1983 Complaint

The Third Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that when a defendant in a prisoner’s 42 U.S.C. § 1983 civil rights complaint had participated in the administrative grievance process, but had not been expressly named in a grievance, that defendant was not foreclosed from being named in a subsequent lawsuit. ...