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Articles in Verdict1

Altercation Suit Brought By Prisoner Backfires; $250,000 Awarded to Guard

Virginia state prisoner Lament Douglas brought a § 1983 suit against prison
guard J. McCarty for an altercation which left both parties injured. The
Court granted remittur and awarded $250,000 to McCarty on his counterclaim.
Douglas' motion for a new trial was denied and affirmed on appeal.

Douglas appealed the ...

PLN Uncovers Secret Sweetheart Settlement Between PRIDE and Former Board Members

by David M. Reutter

In its continual effort to expose corruption within prisons, PLN has uncovered the confidential settlement between Florida?s Prison Rehabilitation Industries and Diversified Industries (PRIDE) and the corporations spawned by its former directors? corporations.

Our January 2005 cover article detailed how PRIDE corporate executives and directors had ...

Marin County, California Settles Wrongful Jail Death For $1 Million

by John E. Dannenberg

Marin County, California settled with the surviving family of a man who died after being hog-tied upon his arrest by Marin County Sheriff deputies.

Cary Grime was a pedestrian at 2 a.m. in the city of Novato on August 17, 2003. He was observed by Sheriff?s ...

$2.5 Million Settlement for Illegal Strip Searches in Connecticut Jail

The State of Connecticut has entered into a settlement agreement that will cost it $2.5 million for a correctional policy of strip searching all detainees regardless of their charges.

The settlement comes in a class action filed in a Connecticut federal district court. The class is estimated to encompass 1,600 ...

Washington Women’s Prison Healthcare Violations Continue

Washington Women?s Prison Healthcare Violations Continue

As we've reported extensively, health care at the Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW), has been woefully inadequate for decades. Reform efforts have been underway since 1993, but the more things change, the more they stay the same.

In addition to a 1993 class ...

$225,000 Settlement for Female Colorado Prisoner Raped By Guard

In August 2005, Penifer Salinas, a female Colorado Department of Correction (CDOC) prisoner at Denver Womens Correctional Facility (DWCF) entered into a proposed $225,000 settlement with the State of Colorado. The settlement was a result of a Federal civil rights claim alleging a sexual assault against her by former CDOC ...

District of Columbia Jail Pays $14 Million For Over-Detentions and Strip Searches

While denying a pattern and practice of over-detentions and strip searches, the District of Columbia (the District) has agreed to pay $12 million to settle a class-action lawsuit plus an additional $2 million in additional construction funds. The $14 million includes over $4 million in attorney fees, $5 million to ...

New York Strip-Search Suit Settled for $1.7 Million

A federal class action suit, challenging a New York jail's blanket misdemeanor strip-search policy
has been settled for $1,783,670.20.

Timothy Maneely brought suit in federal court, challenging the City of Newburgh, New York
policy of strip searching all arrestees without reasonable suspicion.

The case was certified as a class action, ...

Ohio DOC Stipulates To Vastly Improved Medical Care

by John E. Dannenberg

The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) settled a prisoner class action federal lawsuit on October 6, 2005 by stipulating to comprehensive improvements to its prisoner medical care, grounded in adding 321 medical personnel to the existing 540 and in overhauling its medical facilities. In ...

$232,700 in Attorney Fees Awarded In Colorado Censorship Settlement

The United States District Court for the District of Colorado on April 26, 2005, awarded $232,700 in fees and costs after a Settlement Agreement was reached over the rejection of numerous magazines and books by the Colorado Department of Corrections (CDOC).

Several publishers and prisoners sued the CDOC when magazines ...